About Us
God cares, we care.
How We Got Started
Our Executive Director and Founder, Mollie envisioned the concept of this agency after several years of being a Social Worker. She worked with many individuals including intimate partner violence survivors, people experiencing homelessness, individuals who were contemplating suicide, people with a chronic medical condition who had no family support, and many others. No matter the circumstance a person was in, one thing remained true - how much an animal could give someone hope. A pet could give someone the will to live when they wanted to die. They were the one constant support when everyone else betrayed them.
While this love animals showed to their owners was constant, the desire to keep their animal was a barrier to seeking help for themselves. A survivor of abuse cannot bring their dog to a shelter. A person seeking substance use treatment, cannot bring their cat with them to treatment. An individual facing chronic medical conditions cannot take their dog with them to the hospital. That is why Mollie started this organization - to remove the barrier for people getting help for themselves while still being able to keep what gives them hope.
Meet The Team

Mollie Ridings, LISW-S
Executive Director and Founder
My name is Mollie. I am the Executive Director and Founder of The Paw in Hand Project. I have been a licensed social worker since 2016, working with all kinds of people. During these years of working with so many different people, I have seen the power of animals. It has broken my heart to see so many individuals who are being abused, who are homeless, who want treatment, have to make the decision between their pets and their own safety, when it was their pet who got them through the hard times. This is why I decided to bring my two passions together and form The Paw in Hand Project.
I have been married to my high school sweetheart for about 7 years. We have three daughters, a German Shepherd Dog, a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, a parakeet, and about 30 fish. My favorite thing to do is to go for hikes with my girls and my dogs. I also enjoy training dogs and generally being outside.

Richenda Daniels
Board of Directors Chair
Hi there, my name is Richenda. I am a wife, mom to both human and fur children. I have a background in the not-for-profit world with years of service through The Salvation Army and volunteering at an animal rescue in Pennsylvania. I am currently a stay-at-home mom who homeschools and serves in our church regularly.
After years of working in the not-for-profit world, I began to lose my passion for helping people. I watched many suffer due to lack of available serves and having to choose between their pet, and themselves. Getting to be a part of providing a solution, has given me a renewed desire to be involved and to help people.

Megan Rapp
Board of Directors Member and Treasurer
My name is Megan, and I am a Business Manager within a Pharma Services Contract
Manufacturing Company. I have worked at the company in different capacities for 17 years, specializing in contract negotiations and customer relationships. When I am not working, I am spending my time with my family, my daughter and husband. My family and I have a few animals of our own, dogs, cats, pygmy goats, and chickens.
I have always loved animals and it is a dream of mine one day to have a shelter for animals in need of a home. I feel that animals are a constant with anyone luckily enough to own one. They will always be waiting for you when you come home, and happy to see you, no matter if it was a bad or good day. I wanted to get involved with this organization to share my skills in business management as well as help other’s in need that want to do best by their animals in a time of need.
Jessica Denney
Board of Directors Member and Secretary
Jessica Denney is a licensed professional clinical counselor with 25 years of experience working in addictions and mental health. She currently works as a clinical supervisor where she supervises other therapists in addition to maintaining a small private practice. She is a lifelong pet lover who, together with her husband, has rescued 6 dogs and 2 cats over the past 28 years.

Kari McDaniel
Board of Directors Member
Kari is a Senior Radio and Digital Marketing specialist with STAR 93.3 radio in Cincinnati. She’s been with STAR 93.3 for 10 years and has been in a variety of Management, Sales and Marketing roles for more than 25 years. She is recently widowed after 30 years of marriage to her husband Rusty and lives in Florence Kentucky with her daughter Jenna. She acquired a new Son in law when her oldest daughter Maddie got married in October. She and her family attend Heritage Fellowship Church in Florence KY. Kari was the worship leader and Youth VBS and drama leader at her previous church for more than 20 years and she regularly volunteers for and supports a number of different organizations.